This is my journey...
Ok, this has been on my mind for awhile now:

Ireally want to do a juice fast. A 60 day juice fast to be exact. I feel like it would be really great for me. I really want to get healthy, and losing a ton of weight in a fairly short period of time seems like a great added bonus. Plus the other things, like a better complexion, more energy, better sleep, healthier hair and nails... I want all of that! I'm a bit scared though. First off, I like to eat. I love breads and cheeses. Going from eating meat, dairy, and gluten to being a raw vegan (only for the juice fast) seems like it will suck. I know when I get used to it I most likely won't miss all the crap I usually eat, and will start craving the good healthy stuff. However, going 60 days without a bean and cheese burrito does not sound fun. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about the fast... I'm just a bit apprehensive at the same time.

I plan to start on Tuesday, May 21st. On Monday after work I will go shopping for all the groceries for the first week, plus a few treats. :) Not that the treats are all that exciting to everyone, but I am stoked about getting new Tupperware, a thermos, and a few travel tumblers. It's the little things, right?

This weekend I will clean out the fridge, and deep clean both rooms. I want to start with a clean living environment, to keep my new "clean" self in! Plus, I'm anxious about it, so all that nervous energy needs to go somewhere.

I'm also trying to think of something really delicious for my "last meal" in Monday night. I plan for it to include lots of cheese!

I'm hoping that blogging about this experience will help keep me accountable. I don't really expect anybody to actually read and follow this, but making myself right about the journey will make more likely to perservere.



    My name is Kylie, and I am embarking on a journey to get healthy... and lose weight before my wedding. This is me.


    June 2013
    May 2013



Kylie's Blog